Group Discussion Related Topics

Should we encourage Divorce and Remarriage in India or Not?

Yes, we should:-

  • We now live in the age of democracy which guarantees freedom of action to both men and women.
  • Marriage, divorce and re-marriage all come within the democratic right of an individual. In cases where either or both the spouses discover that their partner is incompatible to such an extent that a happy married life cannot be sustained, they must come out of it immediately, instead of continuing with it under false notions or societal pressures.
  • By encouraging divorce and re-marriage in unavoidable situations we also strike at the roots of the system of dowry in a way. Because of the demon of dowry, a girl has to put up with all sorts of brutalities and indignities at her in-laws for fear that they may turn her out and she will have no-where to go in such eventuality.
  • The operative reality worldwide is that divorce and remarriage have become the in-thing. There is no stigma attached to it any longer. Therefore, we should accept this fact of life here in India, too, and should not unnecessarily try to swim against the current.

No, we shouldn't:-

  • India has evolved the system of lifelong companionship between husband and wife thousands of years ago and it has stood the test of time. There is therefore, no reason whatsoever to disturb or discard the system which has been beneficial to our society.
  • Sagacity demands that we do not allow our youth to go in for divorce and remarriage just for the sake of it and rupture conjugal relationship.
  • If divorce and re-marriage are allowed as a normal phenomenon, all values of life will become meaningless.
  • All sentiments, except that of sex, will go away and high ideals of faithfulness and constancy will vanish forever.
  • In fact, a woman rarely wants to get a divorce, since she is under the sole protection of her husband.
  • Moreover, it becomes really painful for her to live another married life.
  • Thus divorce is an anti social act indulged in by the reckless youth and who do not feel any responsibility towards their family and society at large. Hence it should never be encouraged.
  • Easy divorce and remarriage will lead to the disruption of society itself as we witness in some so called advanced nations of the west.
  • The most adverse and visible impact of divorce and remarriage is felt on the children. Their growth, upbringing, education, career and general welfare, all show signs of great mental agony. They lose any charm for life, become distraught and take to the life of a vagabond- thus becoming a burden on society.
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