C Languages Interview Questions

29. What is modifiers in c?
  • The amount of memory space to be allocated for a variable is derived by modifiers.
  • Modifiers are prefixed with basic data types to modify the amount of storage space allocated to a variable.
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30. What is void in c?
  • Void is an empty data type that has no value.
  • We use void data type in functions when we don't want to return any value to the calling functions.
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31. What are runtime errors?
  • These are errors that occur which the program is being executed.
  • One common instance wherein run time errors can happen is when you are trying to divide a number by zero. When a run time errors occur, program execution will pause, showing which program line caused the error.
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32. What is stack?
  A stack is one form of data structure. Data is stored in stacks using the FILO (First In Last Out) approach.
At any particular instance, only the top of the stack is accessible. Which means that in order to retrieve data that is stored inside the stack, those on the upper part should be extracted first. Storing data in a stack is also referred to as a PUSH, while data retrieval is referred to as a POP.
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