Sql Interview Question and Answers

26. What are the advantage of SQL?
    The advantages of SQL are
  • SQL is a high level language that provides a greater degree of abstraction than procedural languages.
  • SQL enables the end users and system personnel to deal with a number of Database management systems where it is available.
  • Application written in SQL can be easily ported across systems.
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27. What is the difference between join and outer join?
  Outer joins return all rows from at least one of the tables or views mentioned in the FROM clause, as long as those rows meet any WHERE or HAVING search conditions.

A join combines columns and data from two are more tables.
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28. Define Boyce coded normal form?
  A relation is said to be in Boyce coded normal form if it is already in the third normal form and every determine is a candidate key.
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29. What are the transaction properties?
  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability
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30. What is data mining?
  Data mining refers to using variety of techniques to identify nuggests of information or decision making knowledge in bodies of data and extracting these in such a way that they can be put in the use in the areas such as decision support, predication, forecasting and estimation.
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