Java Programming Question and Answers

9. What is OMG IDL?
  • Object Management Group Interface Definition Language (OMG IDL) provides a means of separating interfaces from implementations for distributed object applications.
  • IDL is the means by which a particular object implementation tells its potential clients what operations are available and how they should be invoked.
  • From the IDL definitions, it is possible to map CORBA object into particular programming languages or object systems.
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10. What is Call Back Mechanism?
  • Invoking the methods of client from server as remote methods is called Call Back Mechanism in RMI.
  • For example, in a chat application, the server needs to call the client's method to broadcast the messages to them.
  • Also, in an online exam, the server should be able to call the methods of client to declare the results when the exam is over.
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11. What is a firewall?
  A firewall is a security system often provided by intranets to allow their users to access the internet, but prevent outside access to internal files (of intranet).
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12. What is called tunneling?
  • The conversion of http protocol into IIOP protocol is called tunneling.
  • Tunneling is done by the gatekeeper.
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