Oracle RAC Questions and Answers

9. Name the three network component of RAC?
  The three network components of RAC are public, private and VIP.
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10. What is the use of Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR)?
  • OCR stands information about cluster resources and their configuration.
  • The CRS process uses that information to manage resources.
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11. How does an Oracle Clusterware manage CRS resources?
  • The configuration information for CRS resources is stored in OCR.
  • The cluster ware uses that information to manage CRS resources.
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12. What are the major RAC wait events?
  • The major RAC wait events are associated with buffer cache.
  • The most common wait events in RAC are gc cr request, which occurs when an instance tries to retrieve the data from the remote cache and gc buffer busy, which occurs when one instance finds the GC buffer busy.
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