Oracle Managing Director Question and Answers

13. How can you rename a redo log file?
  • Perform the following steps to rename a redo log file
  • Shutdown the database
  • Copy the reo log file to new location with the operating system command
  • Startup the database in the smount mode
  • Open the database
  • Make a backup copy of the control file
  • Use the Alter database rename file <old file> to <new file>; statement.
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14. How do you add a datafile to a tablespace?
  You can add a datafile to a tablespace by using the ALTER TABLESPACE ADD DATAFILE SIZE; statement.
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15. What view would you use to look at the size of a database?
  The DBA_DATA_FILES view can be used to look at the size of a datafile.
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16. What is database buffer cache advisor?
  • Database buffer cache advisor is one of the many advisors, which advise the database administrator about the optimum size of the database buffer.
  • The buffer cache is part of the memory that holds copies of data blocks for queries and Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations.
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