Oracle Admin Interview Question and Answers

13. How long does the rollback segment hold data to maintain consistency?
  • Rollback segment holds the previous version of data block until either its gets committed or the space is not available for reuse.
  • If a session is reading specific block from rollback segment while the other session has committed the information, then more rollback space is required to maintain more rollback information.
  • In that case, this specific block ages out of the rollback segment and the reading or selecting session gets an error.
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14. What background process refreshes materialized views?
  The job queue processes refresh the materialized views.
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15. What is the difference between a temporary tablespace and a permanent tablespace?
  • A temporary tablespace provides temporary storage during the processing of database function, such as sorting; whereas a permanent tablespace is used to store permanent database objects, such as tables, partitions, indexes and clusters.
  • You do not need to backup or restore a temporary tablespace.
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16. What are the different types of memory structure available in Oracle?
  • System Global Area (SGA) and
  • Program Global Area (PGA)
are the two types of memory structure available in Oracle.
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