PL/SQL Error Handling Interview Question and Answers

21. What happen when there is no handler for a raised exception?
  • If an exception is raised and there is no handler in the current block, the exception would propagate to the enclosing block.
  • If no handler is found in the enclosing block, the exception will be propagated to the calling environment as an unhandled exception.
22. Give a few pre-defined Oracle errors?
    Pre-defined Oracle errors are as follows:
  • NO_DATA_FOUND – Refers to an error when a SELECT statement does not return any result set
  • DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX – Refers to an error when a Program tries to store duplicate values in an indexed column
  • TOO_MANY_ROWS – Refers to an error when a SELECT INTO statement returns more than one row.
  • VALUE_ERROR – Refers to an error when an arithmetic, conversion, truncation, or size- constraints error occurs
  • ROWTYPE_MISMATCH – Refers to an error when the actual and formal parameters do not have the same data types
23. Where will the control be transferred if an exception is raised within an exception section of the block?
  When an exception is raised within an exception section of a block, the control is transferred to the exception section of the enclosing block.
24. Is it possible to have more than one OTHERS clause?
  No, it is not possible to have more than one OTHERS clause in the exception section.
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